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JavaScript Number Guesser

Your Ruby number guesser code probably looks something like this:

secret_number = 6

puts "Guess the secret number!"

guess = gets.chomp.to_i

if guess > secret_number
    puts "Too high!"
elsif guess < secret_number
    puts "Too low!"
    puts "Great job! You got it!"

This is something you might build as a Back End developer.

Now let’s take a look at what this same code would look like if you were implementing JavaScript as a Front End developer.

Explore: Front End Number Guesser

Take a few minutes to explore the code linked below.

Consider: What are the similarities and differences you see between the Ruby code and the JavaScript code?

View the code here!

Front End versus Back End

Whether we’re working on the Front End or the Back End of an application, there is a lot of logic and data manipulation involved as illustrated by the number guessing code. The difference in Front End and Back End comes in what you’d work on next.

As a Front End developer, your next steps in this number guesser program might be to build the user interface, what the user sees and interacts with. Think about the webpage for this number guessing application.

  • What would the styling of this page be? (colors, fonts, shading)
  • How would the user input their guess and what would that element look like?
  • Would there be any animations on the page to engage the user?

As a Back End developer, your next steps might be in dealing with how to store this data and what to do with the data.

  • How should we store the information in the database?
  • Do we need to manipulate the data before storing it?
  • Is there any additional information we can get from the data such as averages, sums, or counts?


What questions do you have about any of the content we’ve covered so far?

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