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Try Coding Weekend: Front End Day

Please sign up for a free account before beginning this workshop.

Welcome Back

  • Open up in a browser (preferably Chrome) and log into your account.
  • Change your Zoom display name to your first name, last initial, and pronouns – Kaitlyn V. (she/her). To do that, hover over your image in the gallery view, click the three dots, and select Rename.

Today’s Agenda

Over the course of the day, we will write (more) code, continue to embrace productive struggle, and learn more about Turing. We will ask you to share your code and be proactive about asking questions! Below is our agenda for the day:

  • Welcome & Setup (30 minutes)
  • Instruction (1 hour and 30 minutes)
  • Lunch & Alumni Panel (1 hour)
  • Instruction (1 hour and 45 minutes)
  • Wrap-Up (15 minutes)


  • Build and customize a virtual Number Guesser Game similar to this
  • Gain exposure and familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Determine if coding is something you enjoy doing and want to pursue further, and get a feel for what Turing is all about

Disclaimer: We won’t become experts in these languages today. And you may leave with more questions than answers!

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